7. Compact shoes

Well done shoe inventor guy, where do I send my money?
Source: designrulz
8. Sleep-grading alarm clock

This wearable alarm clock tracks your sleep cycle. It doesn't really do anything to improve your sleep, but you will have the piece of mind knowing that you only got 4 hours and 19 minutes of actual sleep because of your Halo addiction and can look forward to feeling like shit at work all day.
Source: weburbanist
9. Solar powered rocking chair

I'm sure these are already on the front lawn of Google, but just when exactly will your company be getting them? Never. You'll never get to use these.
Source: gizmag
10. Traffic signal hour glass timer

Wow, does this seem like a horrible idea. People already speed up at yellow and gun it at green lights, do we really need to turn traffic lights into a countdown clock for the Indy 500?
Source: designrulz
11. Built-in wall extension cord

Now you can plug that chainsaw or leaf blower into any wall socket you please with the built-in wall socket extension cord.
Source: yankodesign
12. Wearable umbrella dome

Umbrellas have remained largely unchanged for centuries, and this umbrella pod looks only slightly less stupid than the umbrella hat. Still, the chances of wearing this and not being rejected from all social circles is minimal. Ten buck says that girl is talking to an imaginary friend on her phone because she lost all her real friends for wearing this umbrella pod.
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